6 Ways to Make City Streets Safer for Pedestrians

Pedestrian-focused principles should be at the forefront of cities’ efforts to rethink road space, both in response to COVID-19 and in the long term. Photo by WRI México
For many city leaders, more cars and more highways mean better transportation. And during the current pandemic, fear of COVID-19’s spread is pushing some to turn to private vehicles. But a safe, sustainable transport future does not include further dependence on cars, as the rising global trend of pedestria…


source: TheCityFix, tags: smartregion keywords: Road Safety,accessibility,active transport,Bengaluru,Bogota,Car Free Day,children,Ciclovia,complete streets,coronavirus,COVID-19,cycling,Fortaleza,Hyderabad,Japan,Lviv,New York City,Nikita Luke,open streets,pandemic,pedestrian,pedestrian fatalities,pedestrian plaza,pedestrianization,road safety,Shared Space,sidewalks,Stockholm,tactical urbanism,walking comment: