28 März, 2019 | Webfundsachen
Today WarCraft 1 & 2 get their first-ever digital launchand its on GOG
Today, WarCraft 1 & 2 get their first-ever digital launch—and it’s on GOG
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The kind of image that makes us immediately ask, „What you wan’me kill?“
Blizzard / GOG
6 with 6 posters participating
When we last spoke with Blizzard Entertainment about one of its biggest classics, the original Diablo, the chat came with a surprise announcement: the original PC game was now for sale online for the first time, and not on Battle.net. The game’s launch on GOG prompted many technical and logistical questions, and after answering those, Blizzard confirmed an intriguing „one more thing“ about the first two WarCraft RTS games also coming to GOG. At the time, these had no release date.
Turns out, the wait was surprisingly brief.
GOG and Blizzard have officially opened a veritable Dark Portal to the first-ever digital-download version of its first two PC RTS games, WarCraft: Orcs & Humans and WarCraft II: Battle.net Edition (which includes that sequel’s awesome expansion pack). Right now, you can buy both as a combo pack for $15, or buy them separately for $6 and $10, respectively. And we’ve played them!
GOG got axe for you
Taking it back to the days when Battle.net support required a full SKU update.
Familiar RTS sights. Yes, you can walk on this ice, and the trolls in question won’t slide around. (But they will constantly remind you that you are, indeed, the boss.)
Pre-mission briefing.
Post-mission taunting. (Lose one unit in battle, and they call you a slave… some nerve, Blizzard.)
WC2’s launcher, like the GOG launcher for Diablo 1, offers two versions of the EXE. The „updated“ one includes this inset options menu for visual preferences.
GOG’s interface makes it easy to insert your newly acquired CD key, should you wish to look that info up before booting into the game.
Trouble is, of course, that a mix of ancient netcode and port-opening requirements make this a less than ideal game to play online.
But, hey, Battle.net still works for this game.
Just like this month’s Diablo re-launch, GOG has rebuilt WarCraft II’s executable to run with modern operating systems and monitor resolutions in mind. Meaning: nothing has been remastered. Instead, players can expect „integer scaling“ as an option for any monitor resolution they have so that the original artwork and sprites fall into a proper 4:3 ratio whether they appear in a window or full-screen mode. Other GOG-specific bonuses include optional anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering. (As with Diablo, I would advise WarCraft II players to ignore these pixel-blurring options, but if that’s your jam, then by all means use them.)
The problem with this is the same as in Diablo: in many of the „integer scaling“ modes, WC2 lets your mouse cursor float away if pushed against the right or bottom edges. This happens when you move the map around with your mouse, which is way more common in an RTS than in a Diablo game. I prefer moving an RTS map via the mouse instead of arrow keys, so this issue bums me out. The solution has been to pick the generic „fullscreen“ option, which fixes the mouse-boundary issue but adds much blurrier pixels (and messes up my Windows desktop once the game quits out). I’ve asked GOG for help with this issue and will update this section with any pointers they send.
Additionally, GOG’s version of WC2 includes a „vanilla“ binary without many of the modern display adaptations. The reason is that this version includes Battle.net support, which requires leaving the executable in its ancient 2.02 state. Just like the 1999 launch of this game’s „Battle.net edition,“ it requires a valid CD key, which GOG packs into your purchase. (GOG’s version of Diablo doesn’t require this.) And, yep, Blizzard’s WC2 servers are still alive and kickin‘.
But once again, GOG has loosed a „Battle.net“ game of old that requires a stomach-turning combination: you have to open specific ports on both your PC and your router, and you have to subject your machine to some pretty ancient netcode. As Ars‘ Peter Bright said last time around: „Running this game and opening up your network to it is going to make it extraordinarily easy to hack your computer. We have built numerous safeguards over the last 15 years to try to reduce the risks of exploitable network code, and this game removes all of them.“ (Click here to read the full screed.)
In good news, you can either directly connect to other computers on your LAN or fake a LAN connection by using a VPN program like Hamachi and loading an old-school online IPX session to play eight-player WarCraft II versus matches.
Bombs are great!
The original WarCraft means we’re going back to DOS, baby. (Or, technically, DOSBox, a DOS emulator.)
Welcome, human.
Gearing up to launch the orc campaign.
Blizzard’s art for the first game still looks pretty great, all things considered. But it’s a pain in the butt to actually play.
Meanwhile, the original WarCraft has been repackaged to boot into a DOSBox emulation session, essentially running DOS 3.1.1 within your OS of choice. And, you know, it works in that funky-but-functional DOSBox way. (Thanks to this DOSBox support, WC1 works in both Windows and MacOS; WC2 with its customized binaries sticks to a Windows-only release on GOG.)
But I have a hard time recommending WarCraft: Orcs & Humans as anything other than a historic relic. This game saw Blizzard boldly dipping its toes into the nascent real-time strategy universe, which meant dealing with early ’90s expectations that anything outside of slow, rigid, turn-based tactics was „too fast.“ The result is a painfully ponderous experience in desperate need of quality-of-life fixes across the board.
WC2 wasn’t just a „WarCraft but slightly better“ kind of sequel. It was the true fulfillment of the original game’s potential—first on a mechanical level, then supercharged with incredible pixel art, sound design, and army balance. It’s a no-brainer recommendation for every proud mouse-and-keyboard gamer in the world, from the wistful and nostalgic to the RTS-clueless, because its early take on the genre combines slower speeds with good ideas and an endearing, fresh-faced universe. There’s a reason WarCraft was embraced as its own world of characters and lore, as opposed to laughed off as a Tolkien rip-off, and WC2 is the primary source of that reputation.
If you want to open your wallet to GOG and Blizzard today and dive into a DRM-free
game, skip the bundle and grab the $10
package. Its massive single-player campaign, boosted by the critically acclaimed
Beyond the Dark Portal
expansion pack, will keep you (or an excited kiddo) busy for fifty quintillion hours, give or take. And since it’s DRM-free and the CD key is only required for the vanilla Battle.net mode (which, again, we don’t necessarily recommend), you might find a way to get your paid copy of the game onto a second computer and boot some satisfying IPX-based versus combat. (Every parent who reads Ars Technica should do this with their kids. It’s the responsible thing to do.)
These are the remaining two games GOG and Blizzard teased earlier this month during Diablo’s GOG launch. We think it’s now up to the Blizzard Classic team to put out a „new“ old game from here on out, and WarCraft III: Reforged is on deck.
via Ars Technica http://bit.ly/2TqRI92
March 28, 2019 at 03:06PM
25 März, 2019 | Webfundsachen
Bilderparade DXLIII
Bilderparade DXLIII
Langerwarteter als eine neue Folge „Wetten, dass…?“ mit Thomas Gottschalk, ein größerer Thriller mit mehr Wendungen und Skandalen als die Brexit-Misere, für Fußballfans relevanter als eine Länderspielpause, emotionaler als das Ende von Google+ und die ersten Testfahrten von Mick Schumacher in einem Formel 1-Bolliden zusammen: It’s Bilderparade-Time! Schnallt euch an und genießt die 100 Bilder, die ich diese Woche für euch zusammengesucht habe. Da ist schon das ein oder andere Schmankerl dabei, wie ich finde…
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via LangweileDich.net http://bit.ly/2O1J1KU
March 25, 2019 at 08:40AM
18 März, 2019 | Webfundsachen
Bilderparade DXLII
Bilderparade DXLII
Rasanter als der Auftakt der neuen Formel 1-Saison, beinahe so lange dabei, wie das 30-jähriges Jubiläum feiernde World Wide Web, nervenaufreibender als die Schlussphase des Hertha-Dortmund-HandballFußballbundesligaspieles, süßer als das neue Eisbärenbaby im Berliner Tierpark und sinnvoller als eine Hochzeitseinladung an Herrn Erdogan – richtig, das kann nur die neue „Apotheken Umschau“ sein! Die habe ich aber gerade nicht da, also müsst ihr mit der 542. Ausgabe der „Bilderparade“ vorlieb nehmen. Die hat aber auch immerhin 100 Bilder, nur der Text- und Gesundheits-Anteil dürfte etwas geringer ausfallen. Viel Spaß und habt einen richtig guten Wochenstart!
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via LangweileDich.net http://bit.ly/2O1J1KU
March 18, 2019 at 08:56AM
11 März, 2019 | Webfundsachen
Bilderparade DXLI
Bilderparade DXLI
Noch verführender als „Temptation Island“, noch unbeliebter bei Uli Hoeneß als Joachim Löw momentan, noch ungerechter als die Schneebremse beim Torschuss im Hannover 96-Spiel, bescheuerter als eine aufgeblähte Klub-WM und mit weniger Fußball-Bezug als diese Einleitung, versprochen! Erneut habe ich 100 Bilder für euch zusammengekratzt, die hoffentlich den Start in die Woche ein bisschen angenehmer gestalten können. Viel Spaß!
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via LangweileDich.net http://bit.ly/2O1J1KU
March 11, 2019 at 09:17AM